4 things you'll observe when you land in Kingston

This post is inspired by my trip last month [April 2018] back to Kingston from Toronto. I cannot generalize that these observations also apply to Montego Bay as on my trip back I observed that the crowd heading on the Montego Bay flight were majority White and tourist-looking. This differed from the Black majority Jamaican-looking crowd that was boarding the flight to Kingston. That said, here are 4 things that I observed that I believe is quite typical and culturally interesting en route to and entering Kingston. 1. Carry-on space will be limited. If you are travelling to Kingston be mindful that there will be a lot of carry on luggage on the plane and that carry on luggage space will be limited. Jamaicans tend to travel heavy either taking stuff for others on the island or acquiring worldly possession that are unaffordable in Jamaica. There are also those who take back goods to resell to the Jamaican market. 2. Clapping or applauding when the plane lands. It is pred...